We know our local government units and communities run smoothly because of the collaboration between employees and volunteers, so we offer membership to both groups.
Who is eligible to join?
You are eligible for LGFCU membership if you volunteer for:
- Any North Carolina county government
- Any North Carolina municipality (city, town or village)
- Any North Carolina volunteer fire department
- Airport authorities
- Certain hospitals
- Commissions (such as planning or economic development)
- Councils of Government
- Emergency Management Services (e.g., rescue and law enforcement)
- Libraries
- Housing authorities
- Local government associations
- Parks and Recreation departments
- Sanitary districts
- Transit authorities

As soon as I realized Iwas eligible to join LGFCU, I signed up.
Get started
Start by asking your supervisor to sign the membership voucher, also found on the last page of the Volunteer Membership brochure. To join you'll need your signed voucher, a current driver's license or photo ID, your Social Security number and $25 to open your Share Account, in cash, check or via debit card from a current account at another financial institution.
Your Share Account is the foundation of your LGFCU membership. Visit a local branch or call 888.732.8562.
Once you're a member, you are always a member, regardless of your volunteer status. Simply maintain the minimum balance of $25 in your Share Account.
Your resources: Volunteer Membership Brochure