You’re an owner
Every member is part owner of LGFCU. Your Share Account represents ownership and is where your relationship with us begins.
Opening an account
With just a minimum deposit of $25 you not only open a savings account, but you also join LGFCU. You get a say in how we work and grow as long as you keep $25 in this account. There’s no monthly service change. But remember, there is a $1 service fee if your balance ever drops below $25 on the statement cut-off date.
We help you make saving easier
Whether you want to increase cash over time or save for unplanned expenses and emergencies, this account is always working for you with:
- A competitive dividend rate
- Dividends compounded daily, paid monthly
- Access using the mobile app, online banking, CashPoints® ATM, and the 24-hour Voice Response Service
- Option for an LGFCU Visa® Debit Card or ATM/Member Access Card
- Funds transfer to other LGFCU accounts
- Overdraft Transfer Service as collateral for LGFCU checking, money market, and loan accounts
The dividend rate and annual percentage yield (APY) are set by the Board of Directors and are subject to change daily. Checks and Automated Clearing House (ACH) debits, including BillPay transactions, are not available for use with Share Accounts.

We’ve used LGFCU for car loans, mortgages, checking, savings accounts and many other needs over the last 26 years.”
Select an account type
We definitely have a type of account to meets your needs:
- An individual account
- A joint account with another LGFCU member, or
- A payable on death account that will only release funds to a designated beneficiary.
Discover other types of account ownership for special circumstances. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) insures your Share Account. NCUA is the governing body for credit unions and is like the FDIC for banks.
How we say it
You might notice we say a few things differently at a credit union. Here’s what we mean:
Dividend: Money you earn on your account, referred to at some financial institutions as interest.
Compounded Dividend: When your dividend is added to your balance so that the dividends themselves earn dividends.
Your resources: Membership Information Form and Deposit Services Brochure