Saving your tax refund is a simple way to build a financial cushion for an unexpected expense or emergency. Save a little now and you’re in a position to save yourself a lot of stress later.
Get your refund faster
When you electronically file (e-file) your taxes and direct deposit your tax refund, you can receive it within just three weeks of your filing. To direct deposit your refund, choose your LGFCU Share* or Money Market Share Account.†
Which account is right for me?
Share Account
Competitive dividend rates‡
Quick option because your Share Account is already created!
Money Market Share Account
Higher dividends than Share Account
Open a Money Market Account online with just $250 minimum deposit
Features for both savings accounts
- Convenient e-file and direct deposit option
- Low account fees∆
- Dividends are compounded daily
- Access funds through Member Connect or CashPoints® ATMs
- Your funds are insured
* There is no minimum balance requirement to earn dividends on Share Accounts.
† You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $250 in your Money Market Share Account to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Dividends will accrue every day the balance remains at or above $250.
‡ Dividend rate and annual percentage yield (APY) are subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
∆ Money Market Account: $2 monthly service fee if your balance drops below $250. Share Account: $1 monthly service fee if your balance falls below $25.
What’s next?
I’m ready to e-file my taxes and direct deposit my refund in my Share or my Money Market Account.
Simply locate your Share or Money Market Account number in Member Connect or on your printed statement. Then, copy the LGFCU routing number — 253184537 — for use when you file your taxes.
I don’t have a Money Market Account.
It’s easy to open a Money Market Account online through Member Connect.