Staying abreast of your auto insurance needs can help you manage the cost of coverage while maintaining solid protection. Here are a few areas to cover in your next auto insurance conversation.
Choose an affordable deductible
Review your finances and determine if you can afford your auto insurance deductible in the event of an accident. Maintaining a higher deductible can be an excellent way to save money, but could present a problem if you ever need to pay a $1,500 deductible. If that’s too much to pay at once, consider a higher premium for a lower deductible.
Go digital for more possible savings
Many car insurance companies allow you to access your documents with a mobile app or you can download the files and print a hard copy at your convenience.
Digital documents are a great time saver, are good for the earth and may even net you a small discount.
If you choose to go digital, it’s OK with law enforcement in most states, including North Carolina. When it comes to a routine traffic stop, it's a good idea to inform the officer know you plan to provide your documents using a mobile device. As a back up have a paper copy.
Be sure to mention special safety features
Does your vehicle come standard with safety features like an alarm system, air bags or anti-lock brakes? If so, these features could mean additional savings on your auto insurance premiums.
Bundle your insurance
Check if your insurance carrier offers discounts for bundling home or rental coverage with auto insurance. Also, if you’ve had a life-changing event where two separate households have become one, car insurance companies may offer discounts for insuring multiple people in one household.
Shop around to get the best deal possible
If you’re working with a local agent, choose one who cares about you personally. If you don't receive a return call from your agent, can you really count on them to help you manage your costs or settle your claim?
Even if you really like your insurance provider you should still shop around. A number of websites are available to help you shop for and purchase a policy without ever having to speak to a live agent. You owe it to yourself to discover what pricing and level of service other providers offer. However, you may not want to sacrifice a good relationship and high level of service to get a lower price.
Members can request an auto insurance quote online from TruStage.
The advice provided is for informational purposes only. Contact your insurance advisor for additional guidance.
TruStage® Auto Insurance program is offered by TruStage Insurance Agency LLC and issued by leading insurance companies. Discounts are not available in all states and discounts vary by state. The insurance offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured. This coverage is not sold or guaranteed by your Credit Union.