2023 Annual Report
Year in review
Last year was big and busy at LGFCU as we continued our work toward becoming an independent Credit Union in 2025, to serve you better. We traveled statewide to hear and learn from our members, and celebrated big and small wins along the way. And as you’ll see in this report, we once again proved that together we are strong, creating a bright future for all of North Carolina.

Ken Noland
Letter from our Chair
We find ourselves in an unprecedented time in financial services and in our evolution as a credit union. Financial services are changing quickly with new technology. Because of this change, we see banks leaving towns or closing branches, especially in rural communities. This change impacts the future of financial services for North Carolinians. But because any good organization thinks of and plans for the future, we’ve set into motion a thoughtful path, focused on our members who work in and support our local governments. Out of this plan, Civic was created.
2024 Annual Meeting
Watch this year's meeting
Take a closer look at your Credit Union’s stability through monthly financial and audit reports.
Dwayne Naylor
CEO Report
We are more excited than ever about the future of your Credit Union, and it is with that excitement I bring you the 2023 CEO Report for LGFCU. It is among my highest privileges to serve such a committed and selfless membership — the local government employees and their families who make North Carolina great. Thank you for all you do, and for your membership in your Credit Union.
Impact Report
Serving you and your communities
Our mission, “To improve the lives of our members,” means we provide favorable rates on financial products for you and other members. But we’re also working to build stronger North Carolina communities while using finance to do good in our world.
Browse through our 2023 Impact Report to see how your membership has helped us to achieve these objectives.
see the impactvolunteers
Demonstrating leadership in keeping with the Cooperative Principles, each member of the LGFCU Board of Directors, the Supervisory and Loan Committees, and the Advisory Council is a volunteer. Together, they are dedicated to building and promoting the work of our Credit Union to improve lives across North Carolina.
Board of Directors
Each Board Director is elected by and from among the Credit Union's membership. These men and women perform key audit and decision-making functions, set policies for LGFCU, and appoint its CEO and members of the Supervisory and Loan Committees.
To read about the professional backgrounds of each Board Director, visit the LGFCU Board of Directors page.

Ken Noland | Chair
David Dear | Vice Chair
Ruth Barnes | Secretary
Atlantic Beach
Jeanne Erwin | Treasurer
Lin Jones
Dr. Aaron P. Noble Jr.
Tony Brown
Halifax County
Al Richardson | Director Emeritus
Black MountainSupervisory Committee
The duty of this committee is to inspect the Credit Union's records for accuracy, its assets for security, and its procedures for the proper handling and use of funds.
Emily Lucas
Wake Forest -
Amy Bason
Raleigh -
Ryan Draughn
Sanford -
Justin Merritt
Shelby -
Shawn Purvis
Loan Review Committee
When LGFCU members exercise their right to appeal a loan decision, this committee has the authority to review that decision and choose to uphold it or approve the loan.
Wilbert McAdoo, Chair
Efland -
Nancy Held
Raleigh -
Nancy Medlin
Garner -
Jean Stowers
Surf City -
Charles Weber
Washington State -
Diana Harris
Cary -
Jim Baker
Chapel Hill -
Pam Hurdle
Hertford -
Charles Murray
Louisburg -
Sam Tingler
Holly Springs -
Mark Williams
Wake Forest -
Mike Eubank
Kill Devil Hills -
Dale Johnson
Advisory Council
LGFCU Advisory Council members serve as Credit Union advocates in their communities and regions, sharing information with their fellow LGFCU members and as ambassadors to potential members. As of December 31, 2023, there were 613 Council members statewide.
by the numbers
2023 Report
Membership total
1% increase in membership
Assets total
in millions
Loan portfolio mix
Mortgage loans 55%
Auto loans 17%
Personal loans 11%
Home equity loans 8%
Member business loans 5%
Credit card loans 4%
Investment portfolio mix
U.S. government agency securities 31.52%
Overnight funds and member capital 64.91%
Federal Home Loan Bank stock 3.51%
Corporate credit union capital 0.06%
Statements of financial condition
2023 | 2022 | |
Cash and Investments | $343,631,929 | $245,434,205 |
Mortgage Loans | $1,957,039,536 | $2,065,191,928 |
Personal Loans | $396,161,703 | $341,963,254 |
Member Business Loans | $176,241,879 | $137,024,908 |
Home Equity Loans | $267,974,309 | $175,919,760 |
Auto Loans | $622,325,465 | $623,472,161 |
Credit Card Loans | $151,765,193 | $139,006,111 |
Allowance for Loan Losses | ($44,213,255) | ($29,830,390) |
Net Loans | $3,527,294,830 | $3,452,747,733 |
National Share Insurance | $30,528,958 | $30,826,070 |
Other Assets | $129,264,446 | $133,055,184 |
Total Assets | $4,030,720,162 | $3,862,063,192 |
2023 | 2022 | |
Payables | $416,956,836 | $361,498,217 |
Share Accounts | $819,345,368 | $997,542,017 |
Share Draft Accounts | $572,566,335 | $621,559,668 |
Money Market Accounts | $792,534,164 | $1,044,517,336 |
Individual Retirement Accounts | $213,051,779 | $238,368,033 |
Share Certificates | $920,026,672 | $283,538,443 |
Total Deposits | $3,317,524,318 | $3,185,525,497 |
Total Reserves & Undivided Earnings | $296,239,008 | $315,039,477 |
Total Liabilities & Equity | $4,030,720,162 | $3,862,063,192 |
Statements of income
2023 | 2022 | |
Investment Income | $13,417,823 | $4,486,208 |
Mortgage Loans | $78,477,375 | $66,047,571 |
Personal Loans | $39,646,411 | $33,303,479 |
Home Equity Loans | $12,084,840 | $4,751,625 |
Auto Loans | $33,793,508 | $26,254,284 |
Credit Card Loans | $20,137,343 | $13,052,830 |
Member Business Loans | $5,255,299 | $3,809,296 |
Total Loan Income | $189,394,775 | $147,219,085 |
Other Operating Income | $57,552,428 | $63,439,492 |
Total Income | $260,365,027 | $215,144,785 |
2023 | 2022 | |
Operating Expenses | $200,856,264 | $161, 817,203 |
Interest on Borrowed Funds | $24,591,247 | $1,529,814 |
Share Accounts | $6,635,637 | $3,027,826 |
Share Draft Accounts | $808,047 | $493,687 |
Money Market Accounts | $16,975,946 | $6,006,752 |
Individual Retirement Accounts | $4,828,519 | $2,103,061 |
Share Certificates | $21,960,620 | $3,736,514 |
Total Deposit Expense | $51,208,769 | $15,367,840 |
Total Expenses | $276,656,280 | $178,714,856 |
Net Operating Income | ($16,291,253) | $36,429,928 |
Nature of operations
Local Government Federal Credit Union (the “Credit Union”) is a not-for-profit cooperative that serves employees of local government units. The Credit Union is organized under the laws of the Federal Credit Union Act and is exempt, by statute, from federal and state income and sales taxes. The Credit Union serves its members through the State Employees' Credit Union (SECU) network. This network includes more than 250 branches and more than 1,000 ATMs in all of North Carolina's 100 counties. The Credit Union's primary source of revenue is its loan portfolio.
Audited financial statements
The financial reports provided here have not been audited. You can review audited financial statements for the annual period ending June 30, 2023 from the Credit Union's accounting firm, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, posted in the Audit Report section. These financial statements include a more in-depth financial analysis and extensive footnote disclosures that provide additional information on the results of the Credit Union for the respective period ends as noted above. Open and view this current Audit Report in a separate tab outside of this document.