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Kids and Money

The best time for your kids to learn how to handle money wisely is while they're young. Here's how to teach them.

Financial tips for college-bound teens

Use these tips to help your teen manage their money in college.

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Help kids manage summer job pay

Help your teen manage spending needs versus wants, to keep more of that summer-job money.

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Help kids learn to save what they earn

Teach kids the value of earning cash and saving cash.

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Ideas to help kids earn money

These tips can help your children gain financial independence.

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Level up to a 30-day kids’ money challenge!

Encourage your child to try this challenge to learn the value of saving.

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Explore savings adventures for kids

Encourage kids to explore saving at every age. It’s a life skill that will greatly improve their financial future.

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Help kids find strength in numbers

Use these tips to help strengthen your child’s ability to manage money in the real world.

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5 smart money habits to share with young kids

Even little kids think about money. Use these simple lessons to help them develop good money habits.

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Money-saving tips for teens traveling abroad

With a little planning ahead, your teen can have a memorable overseas experience at a price you can afford.

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Ways to gift money to a picky teen

Make gift-giving easy, with financial contributions that always fit, and keep on giving.

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Considerations for giving a child a smartphone

Wrestling with the kids and smartphone decision? Each situation is different, but here are a few tips to consider.

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Money management tips for college students

Young adults can become more financially secure — here are some saving and budgeting tips for the college years.

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Credit cards and the college student

Teach your college-aged teen to use a credit card responsibly, to start building a positive credit history.

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5 tips for saving on last-minute back-to-school shopping

It's that time again, and your shopping list is a mile long. We've got tips to keep your budget in check.

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